Georgia Tech was apparently “vetted” by the B1G, whatever that means…
Bill Brockman: Can anyone explain the relative weakness of college baseball in Georgia? Like, of six sometimes good D1 teams nobody makes the NCAA’s while every nearby state has multiple contenders. Is it the Braves sucking all the baseball energy?
Ben: I can’t speak for every college baseball team, but I personally believe that between the Atlanta Braves and the Savannah Bananas, all fun baseball is being hogged by them.
Logan: Based on how the Braves have been beating teams the past few weeks, I guess I’ll just agree that the Braves are taking all the good energy out of the state.
DressHerInWhiteAndGold: How are we celebrating Father’s Day? For us ourselves or for our Patriarchs?
Ben: We hope to visit my family sometime this month, so we will probably do something for my dad then. For my wife’s dad, he’s here in town, so I’m sure we will take him to lunch or something like that.
Logan: I’m gonna be on a boat with my dad and my father in law going deep sea fishing… I don’t think I’m ready for this.
Jack: I regularly forget this happens every year, which is very bad by me but at least my dad hasn’t shown much care for father’s day. He won’t even be in town so I guess I can go celebrate another dad in Atlanta.
jabsterjacket: Georgia Tech was apparently “vetted” by the B1G for membership… whatever that means…
Ben: This isn’t technically a question, but I still wanted to include it here so we can talk about it. I am not terribly surprised to see Georgia Tech on this list. They have been pretty bad in some sports, but they are still aren’t a bottom-dwelling program and bring a lot of academic power with them. If Georgia Tech is going to make a move from the ACC, it will be to the B1G in my opinion, although my hope is still to create The Coastal Conference with the remnants of the ACC and PAC-12.
Jack: Agree with Ben here. Just from everything I’ve gleaned over the last couple years on this, if we were to realign, it’s to the B1G because there’s enough mutual interest to make it happen. The next best likely thing in my head is the ACC stays put. The amount we get from the Grant of Rights does at least increase every year, of course not enough to catch up with the other big guns, but pair that with more winning, being an ACC holdout may not be the absolute worst thing.
Logan: I think a lot of people assume because we’ve had 3 bad years of College Football that GT has no value to these other conferences. I think Big 10 probably sees more value in GT so they can get a foothold in the south east, hence why they also looked at Virginia and North Carolina. It’s not a question, so I don’t have much to say… I could see the Big 10 being a good fit for us in the long run.
Submitted via email: Hey guys,
Hope all is going well for you this week. I just learned about the time the Netherlands killed, cooked, and partially consumed their prime minister… so now everyone else has to know about that. Begs the question, are there any moments in the sports history of your teams/schools that you try your best to pretend never happened? I think most people are getting that vibe with Ja Morant right now. Atlanta is generally bad at sports so I can’t think of any specific examples other than the many years of mediocrity. Let me know your thoughts. Have a good rest of your week.
Johan de Witt
Ben: I would say the break from football Georgia Tech took from 2019 until like halfway through last year. That was a weird decision, and I wish Tech had just played through that time.
For real, though, I would include the head coach search to replace Paul Johnson. It was completely fumbled, and no due diligence was actually done during the search. Aside from that, I think I would include Jeremiah Attaochu trying to punch Logan Thomas in the Techmo Bowl, the 2007 Falcons season, and 28-3, as memories I would like to forget.
Jack: This isn’t the same vibe as your question but it’s the answer I have: as far as I know, nothing occurred on the evening of February 5, 2017. I had a very nice evening and probably had pizza or something. I will not be answering further questions about that evening.
Logan: My family is Alabama fans; generally I think Alabama fans disavow the 90’s, but the fanbase has specifically disowned that guy who poisoned a tree one time. On a more serious note, I am not a Ole Miss fan but this question does make me think of the 30 for 30 documentary called “The Ghosts of Ole Miss”. The documentary is not actually about ghosts, but rather about how the 1962 season of Ole Miss football occurred at the same time as the James Meredith becoming the first African-American to attend Ole Miss and the associated riots at the school. So yeah… that one stands out a bit.